Thursday, September 9, 2010

Moroccan Candles

Decorated of wood, metals , the candles are the reflection of a real know-how and create fairy-like atmospheres.

With the liking of their colors, they wrap heat, gardens like interiors.
It is in Fès and Salé, stronghold of the traditional candles which one can admire the coloured and decorated candles which accompany the annual parade by the waxes (Maoukib Achoumoue) with Salé and illuminate the mausoleum at the time of the moussem of Moulay Driss

bougie carré Mixture 9 placee
Since the candle scented make headaches, the diffuser mixture enabled you to diffuse without burning it, one put in the empty cubes of the perfume when one lights the candles the perfume commance with evaporates under a soft temperature

bougie decoré avec hanna d'artisanat marocain Right-angled candles decorated with henné with the Moroccan craft industry, area of Marrakech hand made of the Moroccan craftsmen

bougie marocaine Candle full swell
These candles float on the picine as they can be candles for outside

bougies marocaines
Bases Koutoubia

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